March 23, 2009

Will the corporate culture change?

Ambitionblog’s vision is to market profile holders via their profiles. (Professional, green, wellness, talents & social…)
Over dinner tonight our friend Dirk (working for a corporate institution), asked the question, will companies change to really care about the person behind the CV?
Today from our visits and meetings with two prominent tertiary institutions they are really keen on using Ambitionblog to market their students to find the best possible opportunities.
Maybe the change should be driven from the prospective employee instead of the employer?
With the current economic crises in the world, after all the excess have been shed in corporate companies, will the employees have a chance to instigate change?

1 comment:

  1. Not necessarily. The problem you so often encounter, is that people have all the talents in the world, put on a brave face in an interview but are not very nice people to start with. The best way to maintain the culture you are looking for in your company, is to get people who are like minded in nature.

    So, if you are a company who are a bunch of hippies and looking for people who are open minded, they are not going to employ a person who is suited and dislikes Joni Mitchell. If you are a company who believes in personal growth and working and learning as team, you are not going to employ someone with the ego of The Hoff.

    I think what you guys are doing is spot on. Because it “describe” people’s future “behavior” more so than a single CV would.
