March 11, 2009

Going Green

There is such a big focus on companies and industry leaders going green. Carbon emissions are being cut, greener cars are built and the offices are going paperless.
The man on the street read about the green revolution in the newspaper, and see’s it on TV. He feels he would like to do something to change the world, but does not have a clue where to start.

Profile three: The Green Profile

At Ambitionblog, we are not asking you to become an instant green activist. What we would like to do, is to create an awareness, that the earth should be considered when making decisions, and that being conscious about the environment, will add to a balanced lifestyle.
When interacting on our green profile, you will gain knowledge on ideas and tips on the small changes that you can make today, saving our world for tomorrow.


  1. Not sure if this is too late to comment on the Greenie blog...Anyways: I work in the packaging industry and currently there is HUGE focus on re-use, recycle and reduce. It has become a top priority to think and plan 'green'. Just one way of proving how corporates are already changing their business models: a nice to have has now become an essential building block for marketing your business. IPSA recently screened the DVD: "6 degrees that can change the world" by National Geographic - A MUST SEE. If you have not thought of yourself as n greenie, you will be forced to contemplate it after you learn what happens at a mere 2 degrees of global temperature increase!

  2. Kathleen if possible, can you direct me to where I can get hold of this DVD to post on our Green site.

  3. Thanks Kathleen, we will have a look. In our initial marketing of the green profile on Ambitionblog the response so far has been great. We need to make the man in the street aware of his potential contribution to save our planet.
