March 12, 2009

Your other world

The word “social” is often linked to parties, events and restaurants. We reserve the word to the time slot after work. The time when you can relax, and let off some steam.

Profile four: The Social Profile

We think a social profile is much more than inviting a friend to join you on a social network. It is a vital aspect of who you are, and does not stick to certain time slots. Your social mannerisms after work, has a direct impact of your relationships at work.
We would like to portray this aspect of your life, in a creative way. Why not tell the world more about who you are as a friend, family member and future CEO.


  1. I have heard that some recruitment companies were befriending potential candidates to "spy" on them and find out more. This is great, because it will be all included in one.

  2. Hi Jakes, Nice "seeing" you again. I think to befriend a potential candidate is a bit of a overkill. I think with Ambitionblog it is so much easier to get to know the person much better. I think it is easier and more honest from a recruitment perspective. From the candidates point of view, the Ambitionblog tool is a place where you can build a responsible footprint vs a very relaxed facebook profile (and from a employers point of view not always your best foot)

  3. I fully agree. That is why I called it "spy"-ing. That is why I am personally excited about Ambitionblog, cause it is for the purposes of your professional career and not an invasion of privacy like you would have on other mediums such as Facebook and MySpace.

    Also, on Facebook, you don't necesarily have control what other friends say or post about you which could be a not-so-good place to be.
